Facebook Pages Redesigned & New Features

This Facebook update is oriented to help foster community building and achieve more business objectives.

3 Facebook Pages main changes

#1- Bye bye Fans, hello Followers

#2 - Easy Navigation

#3 - Improved Page management tools

Everything you need to know

#1 - Bye bye Fans, hello Followers - The most important change is the emphasis on followers over number of likes. It’s not longer possible to know how many likes a page has received instead, Facebook will show the total number of followers.

What are followers? Good question! Followers refer to the number of people signed up to receive updates from the page.

Keep in mind that: People who like a Page will automatically follow it. Even if people like a Page, they can still choose to unfollow it, which means they'll stop receiving updates about the Page. People can follow a Page, even if they haven't liked it.

Fans and followers numbers are not the same. Here is a quick example of Nike Facebook Page (still showing the number of fans when this post was written)

Facebook followers vs Facebook fans

Facebook followers vs Facebook fans

#2 - Easy Navigation - The other change more meaningful to users is that the new Page layout makes it easier for users to see the most relevant parts.

By this, I mean that Bios of Page, posts, and other important information are now more accessible, making the layout simpler and more intuitive.

At the same time, Facebook is introducing a Dedicated News Feed to Pages for the first time.

This is kind of a big deal since now Pages can discover and join conversations, follow trends, interact with peers, and engage with users.

This dedicated feed will also suggest new connections with other pages, public figures, trending content, and much more.

#3 - Improved Page management tools - Facebook is adding a more clearly assign and manage admin access permissions based on specific tasks.

What does this mean? It means that you’ll be able to grant access to manage Insights, Ads, Content, Community Activity & Messages.

Facebook claims that this change will also ensure account safety and integrity.

Talking about safety, these Facebook changes will stop hate speech, violent, sexual, or spammy content, and impersonation.

Facebook Official communication about Pages changes.


10 Facebook Statistics that Every Marketer Must Know To Win in 2021

  1. Approximately 74% of Facebook users visit the site at least once daily. And almost 50% twice a day.

  2. People spend an average of 38 minutes per day on Facebook.

  3. Engagement: Users made an average of 5 comments, 12 post likes, 1 share, and 1 Page like in October 2020.

  4. The average engagement rate for Pages with fewer than 10,000 fans is about .52%, but as you gain more fans, the average decreases.

  5. 78% of American consumers say they’ve discovered products on Facebook.

  6. Mobile, mobile and mobile: 96% of Facebook visits are made on smartphones.

  7. The average Facebook user clicks on 11 ads per month.

  8. 17% of users in one study cited “following brands or companies” as a reason why they used Facebook.

  9. Video that’s optimized for mobile (with vertical formats) has a 27% higher brand lift.

  10. Facebook live video receives 6x more engagement than standard videos.

Source: AdExpresso